Company Info

Company Info

Corporate Name TLO-KYOTO Co., Ltd.

3rd Floor, International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University,

Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8501 Japan

Phone +81-75-761-7680
Facsimile +81-75-761-7681
Capital 63.3 million yen
Establishment October 30, 1998
President and CEO Seiji Miwa
Executive Director Motohiro Shimizu

・Atsushi Onodera

・Yoshifumi Noguchi

・Yasushi Nakanishi

・Masayuki Nakagawa

Auditor Takuko Sawada
Number of Employees 26 (as of April, 2024)


October 1998

Established as Kansai Technology Licensing Organization Co., Ltd.

December 1998 Approved as an official TLO under the Act on the Promotion of Technology Transfer from Universities to Private Business Operators by METI
December 2000 Increased its capital to 29.5 million yen
July 2002 Accredited under the Act on the Promotion of Technology Transfer from Universities to Private Business Operators by METI
June 2004 Designated as a "Super TLO" by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
September 2006 Reformed its management structure and increased its capital to 60 million yen
December 2011 Accepted the capital subscription from Kyoto University and Wakayama University and increased its capital to 63.3 million yen
January 2016 Kyoto University acquired 68.2% of outstanding stocks
October 2019 Change of corporate name to TLO-KYOTO Co., Ltd.

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3rd Floor, International Science
Innovation Building, Kyoto University
Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
600-8501 JAPAN
